
ctsweb_list_for_management_conge Matched route

Route Parameters

Name Value

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /api/conges/management/state/waiting
# Route name Path Log
1 cts_liste_filtre /api/liste_filtre_onglet Path does not match
2 cts_liste_filtre_lm /api/liste_filtre_onglet_lm Path does not match
3 admin_liste_regions /api/admin/listeRegions Path does not match
4 admin_modifier_regions /api/admin/modifierRegion Path does not match
5 admin_liste_pays /api/admin/listePays Path does not match
6 admin_modifier_pays /api/admin/modifierPays Path does not match
7 admin_ajouter_pays /api/admin/newPays Path does not match
8 admin_supprimer_pays /api/admin/supprimerPays/{id} Path does not match
9 admin_liste_fop /api/admin/listeFop Path does not match
10 admin_modifier_fop /api/admin/modifierFop Path does not match
11 admin_ajouter_fop /api/admin/newFop Path does not match
12 admin_supprimer_fop /api/admin/supprimerFop/{id} Path does not match
13 cts_web_lieu_export /api/export_all_lieu Path does not match
14 cts_web_actions_export /api/export_all_actions Path does not match
15 cts_web_fop_export /api/export_all_fop Path does not match
16 cts_web_sousactions_export /api/export_all_sousactions Path does not match
17 cts_web_action_etat /api/action_admin_etat_supprimer Path does not match
18 cts_web_action_admin /api/action_admin_etat Path does not match
19 admin_action_liste /api/liste_action_admin Path does not match
20 admin_action_delete /api/delete_action_admin/{id} Path does not match
21 admin_action_change_color /api/change_color_action_admin/{id}/couleur/{couleur} Path does not match
22 admin_new_action /api/new_action_admin Path does not match
23 admin_get_action /api/get_action_admin/{id} Path does not match
24 admin_edit_action /api/edit_action_admin Path does not match
25 admin_new_sous_action /api/new_sous_action_admin Path does not match
26 admin_get_liste_sous_action_complete /api/get_liste_sous_action_complete Path does not match
27 admin_sous_action_delete /api/delete_sous_action_admin/{id} Path does not match
28 admin_get_sous_action /api/get_sous_action_admin/{id} Path does not match
29 admin_edit_sous_action /api/edit_sous_action_admin Path does not match
30 admin_change_liste_sous_action /api/change_liste_sous_action Path does not match
31 admin_get_liste_continent /api/get_liste_continent Path does not match
32 admin_get_adresse_gabarit /api/get_adresse_gabarit Path does not match
33 admin_gabarit /api/admin/newGabarit Path does not match
34 admin_liste_color /api/listeColor Path does not match
35 admin_edit_color /api/editColor Path does not match
36 cts_upd_signature /api/updSignature Path does not match
37 cts_upd_delai /api/updDelai Path does not match
38 cts_upd_flag /api/updFlag Path does not match
39 message_accueil_admin /api/get_message_accueil_admin Path does not match
40 edit_message_accueil_admin /api/admin/editMessageAccueil Path does not match
41 get_profil_admin /api/get_profil_admin Path does not match
42 ctsweb_get_federation_affectation_list /api/get_federation_affectation_list Path does not match
43 cts_web_indic /api/getIndicateurAdm Path does not match
44 cts_web_activite /api/getListeAction Path does not match
45 cts_web_mission_ajouter_activite /api/ajouter_activite Path does not match
46 ctsweb_supprimer_activites /api/supprimer_activites Path does not match
47 ctsweb_modifier_activite /api/modifier_activite Path does not match
48 admin_liste_lieu /api/admin/listeLieu Path does not match
49 admin_modifier_lieu /api/admin/modifierLieu Path does not match
50 admin_ajouter_lieu /api/admin/newLieu Path does not match
51 admin_supprimer_lieu /api/admin/supprimerLieu/{id} Path does not match
52 ctsweb_ajout_discipline /api/new_discipline Path does not match
53 ctsweb_get_liste_discipline /api/get_liste_discipline Path does not match
54 cts_web_discipline /api/get_all_discipline Path does not match
55 ctsweb_suppression_discipline /api/suppresion_discipline Path does not match
56 ctsweb_modification_discipline /api/edit_discipline Path does not match
57 admin_upload_aide_odm /api/aideOdm Path does not match
58 admin_upload_aide_ser /api/aideSer Path does not match
59 admin_upload_aide_formation /api/aideFormation Path does not match
60 admin_upload_aide_car /api/aideCar Path does not match
61 admin_upload_aide_sit /api/aideSit Path does not match
62 admin_upload_aide_act /api/aideAct Path does not match
63 admin_upload_aide_lm /api/aideLm Path does not match
64 admin_upload_aide_agenda /api/aideAgenda Path does not match
65 admin_upload_aide_rapport /api/aideRapport Path does not match
66 admin_upload_aide_cts /api/aideCts Path does not match
67 admin_upload_aide_dr /api/aideDr Path does not match
68 admin_upload_aide_dtn /api/aideDtn Path does not match
69 admin_upload_aide_restitution /api/aideRestitution Path does not match
70 admin_upload_aide_conge /api/aideConge Path does not match
71 admin_upload_aide_login /api/aideLogin Path does not match
72 admin_delete_aide /api/delete_aide Path does not match
73 admin_get_aide /api/get_aide Path does not match
74 admin_get_all_aide /api/get_all_aide Path does not match
75 admin_liste_utilisateur_qualification /api/liste_qualification_utilisateur_admin Path does not match
76 cts_web_excelIndi /api/getExcelIndicateur Path does not match
77 cts_web_excelIndicDesac /api/getExcelIndicateurDesactivate Path does not match
78 cts_web_upload_image /api/uploadImage/{type} Path does not match
79 cts_web_browse_image /api/browseImage/{type} Path does not match
80 ctsweb_export_excel_federation /api/export_excel_federation Path does not match
81 ctsweb_supprimer_event /api/supprimerEvent Path does not match
82 ctsweb_creation_action /api/creationAction Path does not match
83 ctsweb_creation_odm_donnees /api/creationOdmDonnees Path does not match
84 ctsweb_creation_action_donnees /api/creationActionDonnees Path does not match
85 ctsweb_affichage_conges /api/afficheConges Path does not match
86 ctsweb_affichage_odm_agenda /api/afficheOdmAgenda Path does not match
87 ctsweb_affichage_action /api/afficheAction Path does not match
88 ctsweb_affichage_evenement /api/evenement/{idDevise}/{idUser} Path does not match
89 cts_web_ra /api/OndemandRa Path does not match
90 list_favorite /api/get_liste_favorite Path does not match
91 ctsweb_enregistrer_favori /api/add_favorite Path does not match
92 supprimer_favoris /api/delete_favorite Path does not match
93 copie_evenement /api/paste_day Path does not match
94 replaced_favorite /api/replace_day Path does not match
95 ctsweb_recherche_evenements /api/recherche_evenements Path does not match
96 ctsweb_get_color_agenda /api/get_color_agenda Path does not match
97 supprimer_odm /api/delete_odm Path does not match
98 supprimer_evenement /api/delete_evenement Path does not match
99 ctsweb_export_excel /api/exportExcel Path does not match
100 ctsweb_angular_excel /api/export_excel_agenda Path does not match
101 ctsweb_list_events /api/agenda_events Path does not match
102 ctsweb_pdf_agenda /api/export_pdf_agenda Path does not match
103 ctsweb_article /api/article Path does not match
104 actualite /api/actualite Path does not match
105 article_apercu /api/modalApercu/{id} Path does not match
106 actualite_admin /api/actualite_admin Path does not match
107 select_sousaction /api/sousaction Path does not match
108 article_new /api/new_article Path does not match
109 article_show /api/article/{id} Path does not match
110 article_edit /api/article/{id}/edit Path does not match
111 article_delete /api/delete/{id} Path does not match
112 newsupd /api/updatenews Path does not match
113 detailarticle /api/news/{slug} Path does not match
114 numbreread /api/read Path does not match
115 liste_affectation_article /api/liste_affectation_article Path does not match
116 liste_affectation /api/liste_affectation Path does not match
117 liste_federation_article /api/liste_federation_article Path does not match
118 liste_poste_article /api/liste_poste_article Path does not match
119 cts_web_media /api/media Path does not match
120 media_delete /api/delete_upload_media Path does not match
121 send_article_mail /api/send_article_mail/{id} Path does not match
122 actualite_cts /api/actualite_cts Path does not match
123 detail_cts_article /api/news_cts/{slug} Path does not match
124 cts_web_block /api/admin/blocageDelpacement Path does not match
125 cts_web_get_block /api/admin/getBlocageDelpacement Path does not match
126 categorie_new /api/createCategorie Path does not match
127 categorie_edit /api/modifyCategorie/{id} Path does not match
128 categorie_show /api/getCategorie/{id} Path does not match
129 categorie_delete /api/deleteCategorie/{id} Path does not match
130 categories_list /api/getCategories Path does not match
131 ctsweb_get_conge /api/conges/{id} Path does not match
132 ctsweb_list_conge /api/conges/state/{state} Path does not match
133 ctsweb_conges-archive /api/conges/archive/{utilisateur} Path does not match
134 ctsweb_list_for_management_conge /api/conges/management/state/{state} Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.